LegalTechWorks videos have been employed in numerous cases involving Tens of Millions in jury awards and settlements.
Legal Videography:
High Quality Professional Camera
Microphones and Mixers
Neutral Canvas Background
High Definition or Standard Definition recording
MPEG-1s, MPEG-2s, MPEG-4s, more
Thumb Drives, DVDs
Cloud Downloads - Google, Dropbox, Hightail
Synchronization of Transcript and Video:
Sync allows you to query any text passage and instantly view the corresponding video clip on your screen. The clip can be bookmarked, then loaded into trial preparation software or onto your laptop.
Interview and Promotional Recording:
DVDs, Flash Drives, or MPEG-4 videos for uploading to YouTube etc.
Video Editing Services:
Redacting and other edit requests. Assemblage of clips, photos, commentary and text into videos.
Special Filming and Editing Projects are also available for production.
Highly Experienced:
1000s of hours of filming, plus extensive editing, syncing, assemblages, customized productions.
Reasonable Pricing:
Consistantly less than premuim-priced
large-overhead firms.